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    Posts Tagged : analytics

    14 rules for data-driven, not data-deluded, marketing (by chiefmartec)

    We are now in the crossfire of a peaking hype cycle for big data and its inevitable backlash. One marketer the other night was yelling on Twitter, “Big Data People need to GET OFF MY LAWN.”
    I confess, I empathize with his frustration. Of course, I believe that data – the right data, used in the right ways – is immensely powerful in modern marketing. As I wrote in a post about pragmatic marketing, “Relying solely on gut-based, experience-driven decision-making in marketing is foolish in the digital age.”
    But I also concluded: “The sensible answer for most companies is a balance of data analytics and human judgement.”

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    The Past, Present and Future ages of #DATA

    Although the word DATA has been with us for a long time, only in the recent decades, since Data was computerised, did it grow exponentially and became synonymous with success, no matter if it referred to business, academia, research or any other domain including our private lives. And as we move from the past to…

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