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    Posts Tagged : 201607

    Store Trends: July 2016 (by nrf)

    1/ WITH THIS RING … Beyonce may have been on to something when she sang, “if you liked it then you should have put a ring on it” — at least as it relates to what some might consider the ultimate betrayal: Finding out that your significant other watched an episode of “House of Cards”…

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    Cisco shows how IoT can save high-street shops (by imc)

    Whereas once the internet was predicted as being the beginning of the end for traditional high-street shops, the IoT is enabling them to provide customers with a richer, more connected experience. That was the message from the exhibition floor at last week’s Cisco Live in Las Vegas. “Retailers are trying to solve the omnichannel experience,”…

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    Don’t let your mistakes go to waste (by hbr)

    I made an omelet with parmesan cheese and shredded coconut. Mistake. Of course it wasn’t good, you say, you who know how to cook. But if I’d thought it wouldn’t be good, I wouldn’t have made it. I like eggs, I like parmesan cheese, and I like shredded coconut. It should have worked. Then again,…

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    The Past, Present and Future ages of #DATA

    Although the word DATA has been with us for a long time, only in the recent decades, since Data was computerised, did it grow exponentially and became synonymous with success, no matter if it referred to business, academia, research or any other domain including our private lives. And as we move from the past to…

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