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    The Agile C-Suite (by HBR)

    “Brian Johnson” is the chief executive of a major consumer-goods company that has been remarkably successful over the past decade. Like his predecessors, Johnson runs a tight ship in all aspects of operations, boasting excellence in product and service quality and a finely tuned supply chain. The company capitalizes on economies of scale and enjoys the lowest costs in its industry.

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    Happy New Year 2017

    All of us at The digiTALQ wish you a productive, successful and prosperous 2017 !
May all of your wishes and dreams, professional and personal, come to fruition.
    The 2017’digiTALQ team

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    The Past, Present and Future ages of #DATA

    Although the word DATA has been with us for a long time, only in the recent decades, since Data was computerised, did it grow exponentially and became synonymous with success, no matter if it referred to business, academia, research or any other domain including our private lives. And as we move from the past to…

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